Dynamis / Golem

Aerumna Vera'ona

Just another naive rich girl running from her life. Raised in a wealthy family from Limsa Lominsa, Aeru grew up mingling in the circles of the Eorzian elite, always surrounded by people, but always alone. Every chance she got, she would sneak out of her family's estates and go to the worst types of places she could find, hoping to find anything to make life actually mean something.
One night, she found herself walking the streets of Limsa, where she came across a woman dancing in the moonlight. Entranced, Aeru stood quietly as the woman's grace and beauty took her away from all the troubles. Afterward, they talked until the sun rose, and began meeting in secret, the woman teaching Aeru the art of dancing.
Eventually, Aeru struck out on her own, leaving everything behind to travel from village to village, bringing people the same sense of wonder she felt that night in the moonlight. She was saved on the road by a dark haired beauty one night when she was attacked by an overly amorous fan. She was instantly smitten by this woman, Rin Kijune, and began traveling with her. A crush turned into love, and they have been inseparable since.
Aeru, along with Rin, now owns her own bathhouse, where she surrounds herself with the family she has always wanted, feeling protected and loved, knowing that they will never allow her family to take her back.

Out of Character

New player to FF14 just looking for cool people to relax with and RP.Regular at the Naughty Nymian Tavern, dancer at Club Frost, and co-owner of Rumours.